2009年12月23日 星期三


網址: British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society, BELMAS(UK)

協會是合法的對於社會的法律責任及戰洛領導和管理,它包括: •協會的主席 •學會的副會長 •成員執行委員會 •過去的理事會主席 •當選成員 The BELMAS Council is legally responsible for the Society and for the Society~’s strategic leadership and management. It comprises:
The BELMAS Council is legally responsible for the Society and for the Society~’s strategic leadership and management. It comprises:
 The Society's President
 The Society's Vice Presidents
 The members of the Executive Committee
 The immediate past Chair of Council
 Elected members
理事會主席,理事會副主席,財務長和秘書長由選舉產生,每年在年度股東大會。一般情況下,理事會主席和理事會副主席只參選連任一次,理事會副主席也是理事會主席選出。三分之一的當選BELMAS成員(不包括主席,副主席,秘書和司庫)是每年選舉。只有民選議員的投票權。市政局可增選多達 6個成員在年度基礎上,以確保它具有必要的專業知識的廣度和代表性。 舉行四次一年主持會議的理事會主席。 The Council Chair, the Council Vice-Chair, the Treasurer and the Secretary are elected annually at the AGM. Normally, the Council Chair and Council Vice-Chair only stand for re-election once and the Council Vice-Chair is also Council Chair elect. One third of the elected Council members (excluding the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) are elected annually. Only elected members have voting rights. The Council may co-opt up to six members on an annual basis to ensure that it has the required breadth of expertise and representation.
The Council meets four times a year and meetings are chaired by the Council Chair.
理事會任命該協會的執行委員會,每年通常在年度股東大會後立即。成員執行委員會負責各種活動如下: •理事會主席(在整體管理協會) •理事會副主席(對外關係) •財務(財政事務學會) •秘書(法律,憲法和程序問題) •內部關係協調員 •國際協調員 •研究協調員 •出版物協調員 執行委員會每年舉行 4次,每年,包括在年度會議,並主持會議,由理事會主席。 The Council Chair, the Council Vice-Chair, the Treasurer and the Secretary are elected annually at the AGM. Normally, the Council Chair and Council Vice-Chair only stand for re-election once and the Council Vice-Chair is also Council Chair elect. One third of the elected Council members (excluding the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) are elected annually. Only elected members have voting rights. The Council may co-opt up to six members on an annual basis to ensure that it has the required breadth of expertise and representation.

The Council meets four times a year and meetings are chaired by the Council Chair.

The Council appoints the Society’s Executive Committee annually, usually immediately after the AGM. The members of Executive Committee are responsible for various activities as follows:
 Council Chair (The overall management of the Society)
 Council Vice Chair (External relations)
 Treasurer (The financial affairs of the Society)
 Secretary (Legal, constitutional and procedural matters)
 Coordinator for internal relations
 International Coordinator
 Research Coordinator
 Publications Coordinator

The Executive Committee meets four times each year, including at the Annual Conference, and meetings are chaired by the Council Chair.

BELMAS News and Notice Board
BELMAS THESIS AWARD論文獎BELMAS THESIS AWARD這是協會每年要求提名在教育領導、管理及行政特別傑出。提名人同意為學生和這些論文完成了上一學年(2005 / 6)。該論文小組教授主持馬琳莫里森將研究所有這些論文提名的候選人,並將在BELMAS當年度會議將發表演講。見年度論文獎頁的詳細資料。本節可以讓你了解歷史事件和BELMAS即將舉辦的和其他國際組織關注的政策,管理和領導的教育。

This is our annual call for supervisors to nominate those doctoral theses in the field of Educational Leadership, Management and Administration which they think are of particular merit and wish to be considered for the BELMAS Thesis Award. Nominations should be made with the consent of the student and be for those theses completed over the last academic year (2005/6). The thesis panel chaired by Professor Marlene Morrison will look at all those theses nominated and the successful candidate will be our guest at the BELMAS Annual Conference where the presentation will be made. See the Annual Thesis Award page for full details.
This section lets you know about forthcoming and past events organised by BELMAS and other international groups concerned with policy, management and leadership in education.

* 提名相關資料

1. 聲明由提案人說明,簡要介紹(最多200字),以何種方式的研究,可以要求作出重大貢獻的研究,教育領導,管理或政策。
2. 一個抽象的論文從候選人(2000字最多)。
3. 聲明 /報告從外部人員有其代表性論文的評鑑。
* A statement/report from the external examiner who assessed the thesis on behalf of the university

Please include the following documents with this nomination form

1. Statement from the proposer indicating briefly (200 words maximum) in what way the study can be claimed to make a significant contribution to research in educational leadership, management or policy
2. An abstract of the thesis from the candidate (2000 words maximum)
3. A statement/report from the external examiner who assessed the thesis on behalf of the university

2009年12月16日 星期三

【第12週】 校長專業發展資訊網網站介紹

一、 提供多樣化校長專業成長資源
二、 善用多媒體資料提供不同視野與觀點
三、融入生命教育相關知能 重視多元發展

2009年12月9日 星期三

【第11週】您對新學年的看法(Your views on the new school year)

BBC教育新聞記者Mike Baker討論在新學年的開始,學生、教師及家長期待什麼樣的改變。
Mike Bake被現行教育制度要求所施加壓力及煩惱的教師數量及日益增多的年輕人數量是迫切須要被處理的。指出長期的教育制度何時將能夠平靜?當教師被要求經常去採取改變方式時,得嘗試去幫助他們的孩子。


2009年12月2日 星期三

【第10週】Public Relations 101:How-To Tips for School Administrators 翻譯與迴響

Public Relations 101:How-To Tips for School Administrators

你期待去改變學校與家庭間的溝通關係嗎?你想要媒體對於在你學校正在發生進行的好事情有更多關注嗎?你想知道如何去處理危機嗎?公共關係顧問William Harms提供學校教育主管人員一些去使學校有更向前進的技巧。
想想你的學校不能把資源用於公共關係?再想一想,公共關係顧問William Harms表示在30所芝加哥的私立學校有針對顧客組成一個財團。Harms告訴教育世界,好的公共關係來自於免費思慮周全評估的投資。
Are you looking to improve communications between school and home? Do you want to get the media to pay more attention to the good things that are going on in your school? Do you know how to handle a crisis? Public relations consultant William Harms offers tips for school administrators looking to put their best foot forward.
Think your school can't afford to devote resources to public relations? Think again, says public relations consultant William Harms, who counts among his clients a consortium of 30 independent Chicago schools. Good public relations begins with the cost-free investment of thoughtful evaluation, Harms told Education World.
Before you put financial resources into public relations, consider what the term means: "Relations with the public." Public relations encompasses all interactions and communications with the public by everyone in your school district, from school secretaries to maintenance workers to teachers, principals, board members, and students. Good public relations is something everyone involved with a school should be practicing every day.

The biggest public relations budget in the world won't matter if your school projects a poor image in its most basic communications. Before you hire a consultant or a public relations staff person or recruit a parent volunteer, begin improving public relations in your school district by evaluating everyday communications, Harms said.
· How are people treated when they call the school? Is the person answering the phone courteous, friendly, and helpful?
· Many schools have voice mail systems today. How well does yours work? Do callers get led through a frustrating phone maze? Most important of all, if a caller leaves a message, does the call get returned? Promptly?
· How often are meetings held? Are they accessible? Are parents and community members notified of meetings well in advance? Most important, is time allowed for audience discussion?
· Is the community notified of school events? Are parents given enough notice so they may arrange schedules to attend?
· How well do teachers and administrators communicate with parents? "The more parents know what's going on, the more eager they are to support the mission of the school," Harms said.

與家長進行溝通,哈姆斯認為通訊作為主要通訊工具。Harms表示「通訊不需要成為浮華,這不是人們所關注的設計,但是內涵東西卻是所關注之處。」「無論是一個簡單的網頁或打字精心四色工作,確保信息是相關的和及時的,他曾收到有關的了設計精美的通訊與相關的內容 - 所有事件中列出已經過去了。」
有一個來自芝加哥大學實驗學校編輯通訊,哈姆斯說,他力求以從家長的角度查看產品。 「我們問自己什麼問題家長都希望看到我們出版的回答。我們知道,家長想知道孩子的成績。他們想知道發生了什麼事情,從課程,但在某種程度上,它涉及到他們的利益。」
這種溝通是至關重要的,因為你不能依靠學生準確地傳遞在學校所發生的事情-如果他們告訴他們的家長對學校的任何所有。Harms表示「有的孩子帶回家的消息,其他人保持沉默。你可以做向父母解釋孩子正在對學習將感受到讚賞」。 對於公立學校,這種溝通也需要延伸。 前總統的學區 125阿爾西普,伊利諾伊州表示「當人們納稅來支持你的學校,他們想知道發生了什麼事情」「公立學校必須讓人們知道他們的錢花的是值得。」
Harms表示那是公共關係專業專業的引進,人們希望溝通了解他們的學校。有趣的是,教師有時間這樣做,是校長有時間這樣做,但現實卻是他們沒有。Harms表示一個專業也可能有助於危機的溝通與促進媒體的關係。但無論學校聘用的人來管理公共關係或決定的工作人員能夠處理;公共關係給予的關注你的父母,你的社區 -和你的學校 -值得。
Communication with parents and the public is essential -- and the communication must be meaningful, clear, and engaging. "Parents want to know what's going on. The tricky part is knowing what parents really want to hear and what will be perceived as propaganda. Parents are astute at knowing the difference," adds Harms.
For communicating with parents, Harms sees newsletters as primary communication tools. "A newsletter doesn't need to be flashy. It's not design that people are concerned with, but content," he said. Whether it's a simple typewritten page or an elaborate four-color job, be sure the information is relevant and timely, Harms stressed, relating that he once received a beautifully designed newsletter with irrelevant content -- all the events listed had already passed.
As the editor of a newsletter for the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, Harms said he strives to view the product from a parent's perspective. "We ask ourselves what questions parents would like to see answered in our publication. We know that parents want to know about their children's accomplishments. And they want to know what's going on with the curriculum but in a way that it relates to their interests," by telling them about a project that students are excited about, for example.
Such communication is vital because you can't rely on students to accurately relay what's happening at school -- if they tell their parents anything about school at all. "Some kids bring home news, others clam up. Anything you can do to explain to parents what children are learning will be appreciated," Harms said.
For public schools, that communication needs to extend to the community as well. "When people are paying taxes to support your school, they want to know what's going on," said the former president of School District 125 in Alsip, Illinois. "Public schools need to let people know that their money is well spent."
That, said Harms, is one place where the public relations professional comes in. "People want communication about their schools. It would be fun to think that teachers have time to do this, that principals have time to do this, but the reality is they don't."
A professional can also be immensely helpful with crisis communications and with fostering media relations, Harms said. But whether a school hires someone to manage public relations or decides staff members can handle it on their own, it's important to give public relations the attention your parents, your community -- and your school -- deserves.
為什麼一所學校得到更多的媒體報導比另一個?答案可能很簡單,如他們的管理員拿起電話更加頻繁。學校往往忽視這樣一個事實得到報導的事件和成就能夠那麼容易讓當地報紙,電台和有線電視頻道知道發生了什麼事情。記者和編輯是不介意的讀者,他們也很繁忙, …好,你有照片。 如果您希望媒體的報導,知道你的媒體。訂閱報紙的所有領域,涵蓋你,聽當地電台或挖掘父母誰做,並跟上您的本地有線頻道。考慮拍攝您的學校董事會會議本地接入有線電視。結識的人在媒體 - 停止和打招呼。採取編輯共進午餐。了解是什麼使得有趣的照片和新聞被報導。
1. 創建列表的姓名和號碼的主要媒體的接觸,你的社區。請記住,包括“幕後”的人,如轉讓編輯器(電視和廣播),製作(電視和電台),人們在城市服務台(報紙),以及記者。去認識的人在清單上,熟悉他們的具體職責和什麼樣的信息將是有益的他們。保留他們的電話號碼,傳真號碼和郵寄和電子郵件地址。還可以獲得您的姓名及有關其台式旋轉架。
2. 當你聽到一個國家的新聞報導,請人民對您的新聞列表,讓他們知道它是如何影響你的學校。
3. 新聞的人喜歡用數字說話。方便的統計數字。用它們來說明你的觀點。當你學習有關的調查有關的領域你的學校,向他們(包括誰的調查),以記者的新聞列表,包括報價或兩個比較如何在你的學校生活。
Why does one school get more media coverage than another? The answer may be as simple as their administrators pick up the phone more often. Schools often overlook the fact that getting coverage of events and accomplishments can be as easy as letting local newspapers, radio stations, and cable TV channels know what's going on. Reporters and editors aren't mind readers; they're also very busy, and the squeaky school . . . well, you get the picture.
If you want media coverage, know thy media. Subscribe to all the newspapers that cover your area, listen to local radio stations or tap into a parent who does, and keep current on your local cable channel. Consider videotaping your school board meetings for local access cable television. Get to know people in the media -- stop in and say hi. Take an editor to lunch. Learn what makes interesting photos and news stories.
The National Association of Secondary School Principals offers these great tips:
· Create a list with the names and numbers of key media contacts in your community. Remember to include "behind the scenes" people such as assignment editors (TV and radio), producers (TV and radio), people at the city desk (newspapers), as well as reporters. Get to know the people on this list and become familiar with their specific duties and what information would be useful to them. Keep their phone numbers, fax numbers, and mailing and e-mail addresses. Also get your name and information on their Rolodexes.
· When you hear a national news story, contact the people on your press list and let them know how it is affecting your school. Reporters are always looking for ways to put a local twist on a national story.
· News people love numbers. Keep statistics handy. Use them to illustrate your point. When you learn of surveys concerning areas relevant to your school, forward them (including who conducted the survey) to reporters on your press list and include a quote or two on how these compare to life in your school.

無論環境怎樣惡劣或如何輕微,如果事件已吸引了注意,學校,社區,還是在世界,準備談論這個問題 - 公開,立即。 Harms表示「準備好告訴馬上事實。不要讓事情失控」
第一個人溝通的人是誰?教職員。隨時向他們通報建立社區和引出的合作。其次,與家長溝通。寫聲明將被送回家的所有學生當天發生危機。要清楚述明的事實情況,讓所有的事實都不可能給你,告訴父母,你打算如何回應。更多信息,更好 - 在sketchier的資料顯示,父母更可能將是填補空白的謠言和猜測。
如果您認為該事件可能吸引媒體的注意,有所準備。把所有的媒體呼籲一名發言人。這個人應該準備與事實以書面形式向參考。誠實但不被引導到投機。堅持事實。如果你不知道答案的一個問題,承認錯誤 - 再這樣做。
危機溝通並不總是壞消-好消息,也可以引發洪水般的傳媒關注。無論是哪種情況,指導那些回答電話,收集完整的資料 - 姓名的人,新聞機構的名稱,電話號碼,記者的最後期限 - 和優先電話要返回的信息為基礎。
1.不要告訴記者任何你都不願意看到的印刷。 “關閉記錄”,有時會被誤解和誤用,因此不依賴它來保護你。
3.如果你被問到一個問題是超過、混亂,或不恰當的,回答這個問題你願意,你被要求。 “重要的是,。。。”記者又往往會滿足收到明確的聲明,即使沒有完全反應。
4.停止談論當您完成時 - 即使記者在沉默中等待更多。不要感到有必要填補沉默,或者你可以說你想多。
請按照下列步驟在頭 30分鐘的危機:
1. 了解的情況,界定的問題。
2. 考慮選擇;採取果斷行動,以確保健康和安全的學生和工作人員和保護區的財產。
3. 溝通的工作人員;隨時向新聞媒體通報。
4. 建立危機評估和資料單張,向他們發送中央辦公室或其他資源的機構。這些信息包括:
(2) 學校
(5) 傳真號碼
(7) 參與的人口數目
(8) 外面現場(例如,警察,媒體,救護車)
(9) 已經採取步驟你
(11)現在需要的資源(例子包括媒體關係,醫療援助,職員援助,社會/指導顧問,食品服務,通信,保險 /索賠,法律援助,交通,安全援助,建設)

No matter how awful or how minor, if an incident has captured the attention of the school, the community, or the world, be prepared to talk about it -- publicly and immediately. "Be prepared to tell the facts right away. Don't let things stew and get out of control," said public relations consultant William Harms.
The first people to communicate with? The faculty and staff. Keeping them informed builds community and elicits cooperation. Next, communicate with parents. Write a statement to be sent home with all students on the day a crisis occurs. Be clear in stating the facts of the situation, give all the facts you can possibly give, and tell parents how you intend to respond. More information is better -- the sketchier the information, the more likely parents will be to fill in the blanks with rumor and speculation.
If you think an incident might draw the attention of the media, be prepared. Refer all media calls to one spokesperson. That person should be prepared with facts in writing to refer to. Be honest but don't be lured into speculation. Stick to the facts. If you don't know the answer to a question, admit it, and offer to get back to the reporter -- and then do so.
Crisis communications aren't always for bad news -- good news can prompt a flood of media attention as well. In either case, instruct those answering the phones to collect complete information -- name of person, name of news organization, phone number, and the reporter's deadline -- and prioritize phone calls to be returned based on that information.
A few things to keep in mind when talking to the media during a crisis:
· Never tell a reporter anything you are unwilling to see in print. "Off the record" is sometimes misunderstood and misused, so don't rely on it to protect you.
· Listen to yourself speak. This helps you to speak slowly and it helps you monitor your statements for accuracy and clarity.
· If you are asked a question that is off the point, confused, or inappropriate, answer the question you wish you had been asked. "What's important here is that . . ." Reporters are often satisfied to receive a clear, quotable statement, even if it is not perfectly responsive.
· Stop talking when you are finished -- even if a reporter waits in silence for more. Don't feel compelled to fill the silence, or you may say more than you intended.
· If you are angry or upset about an issue, try to postpone the interview until you regain a normal, calm demeanor.
Some additional tips, from the National School Public Relations Association:
Follow these steps within the first 30 minutes of a crisis:
· Understand the circumstances; define the problem.
· Consider the options; act decisively to ensure the health and safety of students and staff and protection of district property.
· Communicate with staff; keep the news media informed.
· Create a crisis assessment and information sheet to send the central office or another resource agency. Include this information:
o your name
o school
o time
o phone number
o fax number
o brief description of crisis
o number of people involved
o outsiders on site (for example, police, media, ambulance)
o steps already taken by you
o anticipated next steps
o resources needed now (examples include media relations, medical aid, clerical assistance, social/guidance counselors, food service, communications, insurance/claims, legal aid, transportation, safety assistance, construction)

School PR Resources 這種資源來自於全國學校公共關係協會(NSPRA)包括文章,如“辦理公共關係計劃開始”,“學校公共關係的政策”和“模範學校公共關係活動。”
This resource from the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) includes articles such as "Getting a Public Relations Program Started," "Sample School Public Relations Policies," and "Samples of Exemplary School Public Relations Programs."
Best Face Forward
這種教育世界的故事重點在於通過媒體積極的公共關係。萊波特教授在教育管理西佐治亞學院表示:「學校能否存亡的公眾輿論,公共關係和質量的關鍵是為了得到公眾的支持,包括額外的公關資源。」This Education World story focuses on gaining positive public relations through the media. "Schools can live or die by public opinion, and quality public relations is the key to garnering public support," says Les Potter, professor of educational administration at West Georgia College. Additional PR resources included.